
10 July 2024

From 1 to 5 July 2024, three members of the KIT NAWDIC team traveled to Brittany (northwestern France) to search for measurement locations for the KITcube observation system. The NAWDIC-KITcube component will focus on the downward momentum transport during dry intrusion events using meso- to micro-scale ground-based observations, which will be conducted near the city of Brest during an extended winter period in 2025/26. The inspection of potential measurement sites was greatly supported by colleagues of Ifremer in Plouzané and Marine Meteorology & Offshore centre of Meteo France in Guipavas.

View over Ploumoguer, Brittany (France)
20 June 2024

In total 41 participants from 22 different institutions came together for the NAWDIC-AR Recon Workshop to discuss the current status of the planned NAWDIC activities and the AR Recon program.

17 April 2024

We announce the NAWDIC-AR Recon Workshop to be held at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA (United States) on 20 June 2024.

20 March 2024

The new NAWDIC website is now online.