The scientific focus of the KITcube component will be on downward momentum transport during high-wind events associated with dry intrusions. KITcube is a ground-based mobile observation platform for studying processes on the meso- to micro-scale (Kalthoff et al. 2013, With its in-situ and remote sensing systems it allows detailed probing of an atmospheric volume with a particular focus on the PBL. During NAWDIC it will be deployed at the French Atlantic coast (Fig. 1) and equipped with two radiosonde stations, five wind lidars, five water vapor lidars, one cloud radar, one X-band radar and surface energy balance stations. By aligning the instruments land inward in the typical wind direction observed during DI events, the complementary instruments will shed light on the role of surface inhomogeneities, atmospheric static stability and evaporation in precipitating areas on the downward momentum transport. Further, the assimilation of KITcube observations with the modelling system of the German Weather Service (DWD) is planned to assess the benefit of mesoscale observations for convective-scale weather forecasts. In coordination with potential ground-based observations performed by the French and UK colleagues, KITcube will be part of a dense observation network along the European coastline.


Contact: Annika Oertel (KIT)

Map of KITcube measurement locations 2024 Google
Fig. 1: Envisioned KITcube measurement setup in north-west France near the city of Brest. Black and blue triangles indicate the area of two possible deployment scenarios with measurement locations reaching approximately 50 km inland.